The Benefits of a Necklift


For many people in Charlotte, the neck can be one of the first areas of the body to show signs of aging. The fragile, delicate skin of the neck is more susceptible to sagging and wrinkling over the years because of the passage of time, sun damage or genetics. It may also hang on to pockets of extra fat more readily or show signs of loose skin after weight loss or other body changes.

neck lift can help to enhance the contour of the neck and present a more youthful, vibrant appearance, offsetting the effects of pollution and sun exposure over the years. This procedure can help people in Charlotte to minimize or reduce the signs of aging that can appear in the neck area.

Middle aged woman touching her face


Changing Skin in the Neck Area

As a person ages, the production of skin-restoring components like elastin and collagen naturally decreases. This means that skin may become thinner, more fragile and less plump. It can lead to the appearance of wrinkles, folds or sags. Because the neck is part of the face people present to the world, many people want to enhance the appearance of the neck area and revitalize its youthful look and feel. A neck that appears to be aging can make the face appear older as well.

Many people in Charlotte adopt scarves and turtlenecks to hide the skin of the neck and the signs of aging that accompany it. A neck lift procedure can help people to feel more confident in their own skin with a tighter, younger appearance that reflects on the face as well.

What Is a Neck Lift?

A growing number of people are opting for neck lift procedures because of the significant effect it can have on overall appearance and youthfulness. Several neck lift procedures can enhance the contours and appearance of the neck. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Enam Haque can recommend the ideal option for each patient based on his or her own unique, individual goals and aesthetic preferences.

These procedures include:

  • Neck liposuction: This procedure treats unwanted deposits of fat in the neck area. It can reduce or eliminate a “double chin” and similar deposits in the area. At Queen City Plastic Surgery, neck liposuction can be performed in-office along with FaceTite for optimal results.
  • Neck lift with platysmaplasty and liposuction: This surgical neck lift tightens the muscles of the neck by removing its central band areas. Dr. Haque removes unwanted, excess fat at the same time for overall rejuvenation.
  • Neck lift with cervicoplasty and liposuction: A full neck lift may be the choice of people with significant excess skin, muscle laxity, and excess fat. With small incisions, Dr. Haque can produce a slender, youthful contour for the neck.

Why Choose a Neck Lift?

There are multiple benefits associated with neck lift procedures. People can rejuvenate their overall appearance by treating signs of aging in the neck. Some of the key benefits of a neck lift include:

  • Smoothing skin: A neck lift eliminates lines, wrinkles, and sags. Smooth skin is younger and vital in appearance.
  • Removing excess fat: While people can do a great deal to improve their fitness with diet and exercise, stubborn deposits of excess fat in the neck area can remain. A neck lift can remove this excess fat and produce an overall slimmer appearance.
  • Muscle tightening: Where muscle laxity is the cause of loose skin or a sagging neck, tightening the muscles surgically can produce a slender, youthful appearance.
  • Eliminating loose skin: With the effects of sun over the years or even weight loss, excess skin may be an unwanted, yet difficult-to-address problem. A neck lift can address loose skin for permanent change.
  • Rejuvenating the appearance: A neck lift is one of the most significant options people can choose to look younger overall.

There are many more benefits to neck lift surgery. Patients report improved self-esteem and increased body confidence and pride after a neck lift; they feel confident that they are making a great first impression. Neck lift procedures are designed to use minimal incisions. Dr. Haque places his incisions to ensure that your neck lift is discreet, leaving behind little to no signs of the procedure. In addition, patients can expect to return to work and other normal activities only one week after the procedure.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

Adults who are generally healthy but want to rejuvenate the appearance of the neck are good candidates for a neck lift procedure. In general, nonsmokers and people who are happy with their overall facial appearance but want to address the neck may find this procedure to be an excellent choice.

What Happens During a Neck Lift?

During the neck lift procedure, your plastic surgeon will make an incision, typically in the hairline and around the contour of the ear. Dr. Haque repositions the underlying tissue of the neck, tightens lax muscles and re-drapes the skin in order to produce a natural, youthful appearance and eliminate the signs of aging. The specific procedure used will vary, depending on the type of neck lift being performed. Your plastic surgeon will review the procedure in detail before your surgery.

What Is Recovery Like After a Neck Lift?

After a neck lift procedure, your surgeon may recommend the use of a bandage or chin strap to reduce swelling and bruising as the skin of your neck recovers from the surgery. In some cases, drains will be used to eliminate fluid collection. The team at Queen City Plastic Surgery will provide detailed information about the aftercare that can protect your results and ensure an excellent outcome. After your procedure, it is important to keep your head and neck elevated and straight to minimize swelling and discomfort. In most cases, patients can return to work around one week following a neck lift surgery.

Contact Us for a Neck Lift Consultation

If you would like to learn more about how a neck lift can help you achieve your aesthetic goals and produce a younger appearance, contact Queen City Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation with Dr. Haque. Contact our convenient Charlotte office at (704) 372-5685 or use our online form to request an appointment.

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