Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Surgical Treatment


The carpal tunnel is a passageway through the wrist that carries tendons and one of the major nerves of the hand. Pressure may build up within this area as a result of conditions such as injury, rheumatoid arthritis, fluid retention during pregnancy, overuse or recurring motions. The pressure that would result on the nerve in the tunnel causes a tingling sensation in the hand, generally along with aching, numbness, and impaired hand function. This condition is called carpal tunnel syndrome.

Sometimes, splinting of the hand and anti-inflammatory medications can help to get over the issue. But if it does not help, you may have to undergo surgery.

Generally, carpal tunnel surgery is minimally invasive with the help of a small scope and incision in the palm of the hand.

The incision provides access to the tissue that’s causing pressure on the nerve. A section of tissue is cut, relieving pressure on the nerve and restoring feeling and function to the hand.

Enam Haque, MD, FACS, of Queen City Plastic Surgery and Queen City Hand Surgery completed a hand surgery fellowship and is experienced in treating patients with a number of hand conditions. If you are considering your treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome or other hand issues, please contact our office for a consultation. During the physical exam, Dr. Haque will help determine the cause of the issue while listening to your concerns. If surgery is warranted, he will discuss the procedure in detail including anesthesia, surgical techniques, possible risks and complications as well as recovery time and potential outcomes.

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