After you’ve undergone breast surgery, at Queen City Plastic Surgery of Charlotte, NC, you should be well on your way to improving your appearance. But you are not out of the woods just yet. Next, you must navigate a successful recovery, so that you minimize your chances for complications and obtain the very best results possible once your body has fully healed.
Let’s look at some ways that you can have a speedy and complete recovery after returning home from your breast procedure.
Home Preparations
Preparing for surgical recovery actually begins before the surgery itself. In addition to making arrangements for someone to drive you home, it can be helpful to rearrange your living situation a bit.
For example, you may want to have commonly used items within reach so that you don’t have to move your sore body around any more than necessary in the first few days after you return home.
It is also helpful to prepare some of your favorite meals and refrigerate or freeze them. This way, you can simply heat up meals, so that you don’t have to overexert yourself when you are ready to eat.
Take It Easy
Most of the recovery is simply resting and allowing your body to heal. The more rest that you get in the initial weeks after your procedure, the faster you’ll tend to recover and heal.
For the first few weeks after your breast procedure, avoid vigorous physical activity. Your surgeon will let you know when it is safe to resume your normal exercise regimen.
You’ll also be informed when it is safe to gradually increase your activity levels. Along the way, be sure to listen to your body and what it tells you. If anything that you do causes pain, stop immediately and contact your surgeon.
Incision Care
Depending upon the type of breast surgery that you underwent, you may have incisions that require care. Your dressings should remain in place during the first week after your procedure. Your surgical team will then remove them and check your incisions to ensure that they are healing properly.
Wear a Sports Bra
Your remodeled breast requires different support while you are recovering from surgery. Your surgeon will recommend special garments to help keep you comfortable and minimize post-procedure swelling.
Avoid wearing underwire bras for 12 weeks after your breast procedure. Be sure that you are wearing a sports bra to provide support to your breasts, which will be more sensitive and susceptible to injury after your breast surgery.
Eat Properly
In addition to getting plenty of rest, eating good, nutritious meals are vital to healing rapidly and completely. You should also be drinking plenty of fluids, as your body will be flushing toxins and delivering nutrients to soft tissues affected by the surgery.
For More Information about Breast Surgery Recovery in Charlotte
If you have any questions or concerns about your recovery, don’t hesitate to contact Queen City Plastic Surgery offices at 704-751-4595 or use our simple online form. Our conveniently located Charlotte office welcomes patients from throughout the region and across the country.