Baby It’s Cold Outside


Winter Time is the Best Time!

Don’t delay scheduling your cosmetic procedure, and here is why…..

Hello, New Years’ Resolutions! We all make New Year’s Resolutions to eat healthier, be more positive, lose weight etc so why not make it happen? Resolve to look your best in 2018 with microneedling for skin improvement, Kybella for the double chin, a mommy makeover, face list, eliminating fatty deposits, perking up sagging skin or whatever is on your mind!

Winter is prime time for healing! After a busy holiday season, the first 4 months of the year don’t usually hold as many social gatherings so you can give yourself plenty of time to let those scars, bruising and swelling subside.
Extra funds! Perfect time to plan for that holiday bonus or tax return refund.

Baby it’s cold outside! Which means it’s the optimal time to minimize the discomfort associated with wearing compression garments and reducing your sun exposure for scars and healing. You still need sun protection in the winter, but you can give yourself some time before the summer sun hits!

Bathing suit season is 6 months away! Allow your scars enough time to fade, implants to settle and your body to overall heal before you head to the beach and pool!

Schedule your consultation today and let us help you make the best decision for you! 704.372.5685

Sarah Knill is the Marketing Coordinator at Queen City Plastic Surgery (QCPS). Sarah is a self proclaimed spiritual junkie and loves everything yoga! Be sure to ask Sarah about her favorite service offered by QCPS, the COSMOPen.

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