Many men and women in Charlotte may work hard to stay in shape and achieve their goals for their bodies and appearance. However, despite diet and exercise, it is common for areas of stubborn fat to remain behind. Some people may want to change the contours of their abdomen, lower belly, thighs, upper arms, or other “problem areas.” Liposuction is one popular plastic surgery procedure that is designed to remove those stubborn fat cells and recontour areas of the body for a slimmer, more toned appearance.
Liposuction is the single most popular plastic surgery procedure, year after year, in Charlotte and across the United States. At Queen City Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Enam Haque uses the most advanced liposuction techniques to perform a minimally invasive procedure with beautiful, natural results. Liposuction is not a weight loss surgery, but it is very effective at removing stubborn fat pockets and contouring targeted areas of the body.
Liposuction Is Permanent
Liposuction works by removing fat cells from the body. During a liposuction procedure, Dr. Haque inserts a thin, straw-like tool, a cannula, to remove fat cells from a specific targeted area. The cannula is inserted beneath the skin into the layer of fat there and connected to a liposuction machine. Dr. Haque then makes use of the cannula and a tumescent liquid to remove unwanted fat deposits, reshaping those areas and restoring a toned, slender appearance. Once those fat cells are gone, they will not come back.
Of course, it is possible to gain weight again after liposuction. However, people who keep up their healthy habits, diet, and exercise after liposuction can retain the benefits and slender contours of the procedure for many years to come.
Liposuction Is Safe and Effective
Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures each year because it works. People can achieve the slender contours they desire with a minimally invasive procedure. Liposuction results are long-lasting, and many people address areas of the body that have long presented a concern.
Liposuction Can Boost Self-Esteem
For many people who choose liposuction in Charlotte, this procedure can boost self-esteem and body confidence. People who felt insecure or uncomfortable with certain areas of their body, despite weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, may feel more confident after liposuction. Men and women in Charlotte may be more likely to wear a swimsuit or body-conscious clothing after liposuction, feeling greater pride and security in their body and appearance. People who have had significant weight loss, especially after bariatric surgery, may find that liposuction provides the contouring to address remaining pockets of stubborn fat and help them achieve their aesthetic goals.
Liposuction Can Address Medical Concerns
Liposuction can also help to address several medical conditions. It may be used to treat lymphedema, when excess lymph fluid is retained in the tissues of the body, causing discomfort, pain, and swelling. It may also be used to remove benign lipomas or fatty tumors in different areas of the body.
Liposuction may be an excellent choice for men and women in Charlotte looking to contour and reshape their bodies. To find out more about liposuction, contact the offices of Queen City Plastic Surgery at 704-859-2449 or use our secure online form to request a consultation with Dr. Haque.