As a result of more awareness brought about by social media combined with increased acceptance of the procedures, male enhancements have increased 23% in the past 15 years. From non-invasive treatments such as Botox and CosmoPen through surgical procedures such as liposuction, men are getting it all!
Non-Invasive Treatments
It is no secret that repetitive contracting of your facial muscles (e.g., a smile, or furrowing your brow), causes wrinkles, especially around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. This is why non-invasive treatments such as Botox, fillers, and CosmoPen are on the rise in the male population so they can minimize the signs of aging, just as women do.
Men can experience a rejuvenated look through Botox injections that will smooth the area below the eyes, frown lines and the horizontal lines across the forehead. Dr. Haque has also seen success in the treatment of excessive sweating and in achieving a lifted look of the brow through Botox.
Fillers are designed to smooth wrinkles, sculpt the lips and shape facial contours. Fillers are a great non-surgical option to fill in lines due to the minimal downtime and financial obligation. The results are long-lasting and can increase volume and fullness in the face in areas that have become sunken over time.
Similar to women, men also experience uneven pigmentation, scarring, wrinkles and overall signs of aging. CosmoPen will ignite the collagen production helping to eliminate both scars and fine lines and making men’s skin look its best.
Genetics, aging and weight fluctuation all contribute to the double chin experienced in both men and women. Kybella, which can be done in the office, is an FDA approved injectable treatment that addresses the under chin fat which contributes to the double chin.
Plastic Surgery for Men
Men have cosmetic surgery for a variety of things to achieve their desired results. Tummy tucks, face lifts, eye lifts, and liposuction are just a few of the procedures our male patients have to look and feel their best.
Women aren’t the only ones who want to feel comfortable and confident in their skin… do too! Dr. Haque is sensitive to the needs of men and the unique considerations of men looking to achieve plastic surgery and will discuss your desired results with you during your consultation.
For more information please visit our website, and call us at 704.372.5685 to schedule a consultation.
Sarah Knill is the Marketing Coordinator at Queen City Plastic Surgery (QCPS). Sarah is a self- proclaimed spiritual junkie and loves everything yoga! Be sure to ask Sarah about her favorite service offered by QCPS, the CosmoPen.